Because The Femdom Hunt comprises of both vendor locations and Femdoms we have two application forms: one for vendors and one for Femdoms. Please ensure you fill out the correct application form or your application may be lost.
If you are applying as a vendor (a shop, etc...) please fill out this application form:
If you are applying as a Femdom location (Femdom region, location, hangout, club, etc...) please fill out this application form:
We will start processing applications from August 4th onwards, at the latest. When we process your application we will drop you a small welcome pack and we'll also send invitations to the in-world group to all contacts who aren't already in the group.
IMPORTANT: If, after the 7th August, you don't hear from us within 48 hours of you submitting your application, please drop Antony Fairport a line in-world. Glitches can and do happen and we don't want to lose your application.