Just a little reminder to everyone that applications to be in The Femdom Hunt V close at midnight tonight (Second Life time).
We're processing the applications as they come in and, generally, nobody has had to wait more than 48 hours to receive a reply. So if your favourite Femdom or Femdom-friendly store isn't displaying the hunt sign you might want to prompt them to check if they'd like to apply.
Also, as we do each year, we're maintaining a page where we keep track of blogs where the hunt has been mentioned. If you've blogged about the hunt, or you know of a mention somewhere, do please drop Antony Fairport a line and he'd be delighted to add it to that page.
Vendors are Femdom owners: expect to receive a package from Antony some time in the next 24 hours or so. This will be a small update pack that will include the next version of the hunt sign (the one that contains information for hunters) ready for Friday's walk-trough. More information about this will follow.
As always, if you have any questions about the hunt, please don't hesitate to drop us a line.